Study: My Understanding of Animals

The Importance of Proper Animal Welfare

Animals have contributed greatly to the economic growth of any given region. The welfare of wild animals is the responsibility of the governance of any given region. The wild animals in any given state are under protection from the laws set by the state. The wild animals in most of the states enjoy a good environment due to the measures taken by the government. The advantages that farmers get from farm animals help in facilitating the economic growth of the given region.

There are states which rely on the wild animals to help in generating foreign income. Wild animal centres are used to attract tourists in some countries. Some wild species of wild animals can easily become extinct thus the need for the state’s authorities to ensure their preservation. Most countries use income generated from the tourism industry to the development projects at benefits the citizens of the given state.

The beef and pork industry has provided employment to a good number of people within the countries. The ability of good animal welfare to create employment opportunity for people provides an opportunity for them to raise sufficient income for their expenditure. People who have been lucky enough to secure quality employment from animal-related industries are able to afford quality products thus improving their living standards. The success of the animal relate industries can be influenced by the ability to receive quality products. Proper animal welfare enhances the survival of industries within the market by enabling them to maintain the required quality and quantities of animal products.

Proper animal welfare within organizations dealing with animals helps to ensure employee safety. Proper welfare for the animals promotes their comfort ensuring thus their ability to remain calm. It’s the responsibility of individuals employed to take look after the welfare of the animals to avail enough feeds for the animals. Individuals entrusted with the responsibility of maintaining proper animal welfare to investigate the feeds that are likely to have the relevant nutrients for the health of the animals. Safety of the employees helps to protect the company owners from incurring medical costs and compensation for the employees.

People who keep animals can protect them from infections by ensuring proper welfare to promote their health. Individuals in charge of looking after the animal welfare need to maintain proper hygiene levels within the animal territories. Keeping animals within a clean environment will help to reduce cases of disease infections thus ensuring good health of the animals. Good health of the animals will protect the owner from expenses related to disease infections. Increased profits of the animals can result from increased productivity thus the need to ensure proper animal welfare. Maintaining proper welfare of the animals will benefit the owner the region as a whole.

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