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The Confederate Flag and Online Buying Tips

The Confederate flag, the 13-star saltire in its characteristic red, white and blue colors, is a popular and controversial symbol of the American South. From 1861-1865, the period of the American Civil War, it was used in protest of the practice of slavery. Seven southern states rebelled against the anti-slavery legislation of President Abraham Lincolns and wanted to separate from the United States.

It was North Virginia that first took up the Confederate flag as their battle flag. At no time did it officially represent the Confederate States of America (CSA), also called the Confederacy, but it did become well-known as a symbol of the American South.

The CSA was defeated, but people still flew the Confederate flag – which is also referred to as the rebel flag, the Dixie flag, or Southern cross, among many other names. During the Second World War (1939-1945), military units of the south also flew the flag. In the 1950s and 1960s, the period of the civil rights movement, the flag represented segregation and was adopted by the Ku Klux Klan, a white supremacist group.

The Controversy Behind

For those who believe in it, the flag represents ancestry and heritage, and is a revered southern cultural tradition that is distinct from that of the rest of the United States. The flag is to them a sign of the distinctness of each and every state and of their resistance to what is to them the dictatorial clout of the federal government.

As of now, Confederate flags can no longer be purchased in a lot of places, but there are still a number of online merchants that sell them. If youre thinking of buying a Confederate flag on the web, find a reputable website. Here are things that indicate that a website is trustworthy:Below are things you should consider when checking if a site is safe or not:The following are tips to help you distinguish between a good site and a not-so-safe one: 1. The s indicates that your data (name, address, credit card number, etc.

They should have a published website policy .

A websites privacy policy should include the sites data collection, use, and protection methods.

The merchants contact information should be provided on their website.

While such information wont directly protect you, it assures you that you will have someone to reach out to when you need any kind of assistance. 4. Inspect their trust seal.

Lastly, a trust seal is something like an icon that usually comes with the word Verified or Secure, and it usually means that the website has partnered with a security expert.

You can buy your Confederate flag online, but again, be conscious about the security aspect of making online purchases.
You can definitely buy our Confederate flag on the Internet, but as always , check the security sites of each site you plan to buy from.

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