Questions About Candles You Must Know the Answers To

Advantages of Lighting up Natural Candles?

Candles for most of us are being used as an accessory for doing home decorations. It can be used for a ton of purposes such as adding lights, color, ambience, accentuating space and making the room be more intimate. Candles we use may be small tea lights or tall paper that’s meticulously carved by its artisans. Well regardless, the appreciation for candles goes back through centuries.

These days however, the candle has evolved from being a simple animal tallow to including different varieties of natural wax products. As a result, this has created different options between synthetic and natural candles. Between the two, many candle enthusiasts will opt for the natural candles and for a good number of reasons such as:

Number 1. If you are going to compare natural candles on the ones made from paraffin, the former is cleaner. Keep in mind that paraffin is the byproduct of crude oil and it isn’t burn clean. This is why if you’d look closely in the jars that the candle is made, it often has a black soot. And believe it or not, 7 harmful carcinogens is released in the air we breathe whenever paraffin based candles are burned.

Number 2. When talking about shelf life, natural candles easily beats synthetic candles for the latter runs out 50 percent faster. At the same time, natural wax is biodegradable and burns cooler as well as easier to clean.

Number 3. Natural candles do not contain any traces of pesticides or herbicides, unlike its synthetic counterpart.

With all the benefits that natural candles can provide, you may be thinking of other alternative that you can get. Well luckily, there are many choices available these days and some of these are in form of bayberry wax, beeswax and soy. Each of the said options are beautiful and could be scented or dyed to be able to meet any dcor or theme. Well the best part, they’re eco-friendly making them perfect for everything that you need.

Bayberry candles – also known for the distinctive scent it has and typically the most affordable among the other options.

Beeswax candles – this is basically the oldest natural candle wax in circulation to the market.

Soy wax – this is among the latest developments in natural wax candle making which is made from soybeans. It burns the purest among the waxes and also, the median in pricing.

Natural candles can add warmth and welcoming atmosphere to any room it is put on, more so if it has a unique scent which is capable of making the room more inviting.

Questions About Candles You Must Know the Answers To

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