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Factors to Consider on School Cleaning

The school environs where children spend most of their time should be kept clean, and this responsibility lies in the school’s management and the parents to the children. Below are some tips on school cleaning.

First, it is advisable to perform regular cleaning routines on the school to maintain high levels of cleanliness. Floors, the cafeteria shared toilets and bathrooms should be clean on a daily basis. By doing this, disease-causing germs are regularly destroyed, and disease outbreaks from spread infections can be prevented. For these cleaning purposes, efficient germs killing disinfectant should be used.

Secondly, the substances used for the cleaning purposes should not affect the health of the children or cause allergic reactions. During the purchase of cleaning products, ensure that the safety manuals are clear on any side effects and that they are child use friendly. The cleaning staff ought to be well trained on using the products to avoid practices which may affect the health of the children at school. To prevent children from coming into contact with these cleaning substances; they should be stored under lock and key.

The third thing that the school should consider doing is hiring a permanent janitor who is always on duty during school hours. With the janitor onsite, he can quickly come in for situations needing quick attention to protect the health of the children and other people in the school premise. After school hours are the best time for cleaning activities to be conducted at the children and other staff members have left the premise. This minimizes the exposure of any person to the substances used for the school cleaning purposes. Hiring professionally trained janitors for cleaning the school guarantees the best cleaning services and the best cleaning standards. For the school to facilitate the janitors in their task, they should provide equipment and conducive working conditions.

A strategy that can be employed by the school to boost is cleanliness standards is by engaging the children in maintaining the cleanliness in the school. This can be achieved by discouraging children from littering, spilling water, to dispose of toilet waste appropriately and encourage them to wash their hands frequently. The children also benefit from maintaining high standards of hygiene. It is also advisable to organize for a school clean-up day where the children and their teachers spend half of a school day cleaning and organizing their classroom. To motivate the practice, a prize award can be put up for grabs with the best bagging it home. To raise and maintain the level of cleanliness in your school premise, take the above factors into consideration.

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