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How to Come Up with The Best Facebook Status for Moving to A New City

All across the globe, there are very many people who use the Facebook applications. It is important to note that the average number of followers for the people in Facebook is one hundred and thirty. For announcements to the public, Facebook is the best platform to use. There are very many ways that a person could consider to use in Facebook to make announcements. One could for instance consider the need to use to Facebook statuses as one of the channels of communication while using Facebook.

One of the most common things communicated in the Facebook statuses is that of moving. If a person is telling their followers that they are moving, it is important to make the Facebook status one to remember. The Facebook status that will strike the attention of the followers are the best to consider.

There are some factors that people need to put into consideration in a bid to get the most memorable Facebook status. The main objective of this article is to highlight those tips that people need to follow so as to get the most memorable Facebook status while moving.

It is recommended that people be bold if they want to put a Facebook status that is memorable and grabs the most attention. One could for instance consider the need of using exciting words as one of the ways of being bold. Bold Facebook statuses are also characterized by capital letters. One of the factors that people need to put into consideration since it plays a very important role in aiding a Facebook status be bold is that of using exclamation marks.

A lot of emphasis is laid on the need for people to go down memory lane here when a person is trying to get the best Facebook status while moving. One of the ways of going down memory lane is by posting pictures. If a friend of family is involved, use the tag feature.

Always endeavor on the need for people to consider using different languages while coming up with a good Facebook status. One of the other tips that people need to follow while coming up with a good Facebook status while moving is that of being vague. Do not be clear on the place that you are moving to when doing the status. Writing a good Facebook status is very important because it has very many benefits. One of the benefits of a good Facebook status is that it eliminates the hustle of you telling everyone that you are moving.

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